Made it to the Google TC Summit 2017

It was as usual awesome! I only wish we’d had all the TCs from all over the world in Mountainview, CA, not just those from the Americas.

There were 2 other summits: in Dublin and Singapore, for the rest of the world. Seems the decision to split the summits was a matter of logistics.

My trip to California was not without incident. Leave it to United Airlines to screw things up.
A few days before my departure from Montreal my outgoing flights reservation was moved to an earlier hour. My layover in Chicago was shortened to about 50 minutes. Since the first flight left late and also arrived late, I had only 30 minutes to catch my next flight in Chicago to San Jose.

With a change of terminal and endless corridors (with no moving sidewalks) and up and down and up again stairs (no escalators nor elevators) and a shuttle I didn’t make my next flight. I might have as I arrived 5 minutes before departure but they’d closed the doors.

I had to run back to the United customer service counter and line up to get to speak to somebody. By the time the agent checked and found other flights, the two possible flights were in fact gone by mere minutes.

The best they could do was fly me to San Francisco. No choice but to take that. And THAT flight was also delayed for hours.
In San Francisco the only way fro me to go to San Jose was by taxi, at a whooping $155 USD. Of course people told me that Uber would have been lots cheaper. No doubt, but I’ve never used Uber (it’s controversial in Montreal, rather risky). I wasn’t going to attempt to install that app using public wi-fi in the SF airport. So a taxi it had to be. A very expensive taxi ride.

So far United did not respond to my complaint. We’ll see how it goes, I may just have to make my demands louder.

Anyway, the rest of the trip was great, the Google Summit was amazing (informative and FUN) and even coming back home (by Delta) was fine. Shocking freezing temps in Montreal on that November 10 evening.

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Off to Google’s Top Contributor Summit 2017

Google’s being generous once again by rewarding us, the Top Contributors, with an invitation to the 2017 TC Summit in Mountainview, California.

This year’s summit will be from November 6th to November 8th and I am going 🙂

As a matter of fact I am all packed already and just rearing to go. I will of course take a few extra days since flying across 3 time zones only to come back after 3 days is a bit hard on the system.

I am truly looking forward to this trip, to meet old friends and meet new ones, learn new stuff, validate old ideas and generally have a blast.


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