Blue funk, this is what it is.
It started out with a major foul up in one forum I mod, and me not understanding straight away what the foul up was about. Then I figured it out (better late than never), but I’d already made a fool of myself in a few asinine posts, so I had to backtrack.
Then tonight I discovered somebody got creative with a tool I and hundreds of thousands of webmasters use ( and screwed up the code wizard generator. Why this should feel like it concerns me at all I don’t know. Maybe because I will have to field loads of questions and explain how oops, the code is bad because you were given the wrong code.
Humbug and gobbledigook.
The blunder is akin to Google’s blunder concerning the validation meta tag.
*Deep sigh*
And speaking of Google, in particular the Webmaster Help Group – I don’t know, I got another case of the blahs. No, actually I got a case of being fed up with the reactions of some people I try to help and who turn around bitching. You’d think I was the one who had screwed up their sites, not themselves. As well as some other regulars who don’t agree with my assessments even when they are the only thing that spells an actual course of action for the webmaster to attempt, as opposed to Google bashing.
Probably I just need to stay away for a while again from that place.
Yep, blue funk, again.