Spring, Rebirth, Lovelyness

There’s something exhilarating about the first real spring days, like what we’ve been having now.

Last week I had the surprize to discover a small long-forgotten flower pot, sitting buried under tons of junk in my messy garage, with a fresh shoot growing out of the nearly uprooted bulb. The little earth remaining had turned to dust. That had been sitting there, in darkness, with no water for at least a year and probably longer, a small hyacinth I must have once received from some visitor, on some spring day last year or the one before or the one before that, meant to be replanted in the garden and forgotten like so many things.

The little darling did what nature prompted it to do: sprout. Despite the bone-dry soil, no water for years and no light among all the junk, it started growing, full of optimism.

Forgotten hyacynth

My heart made a leap when I discovered it. I chose to consider it a symbol of hope of good things to come. I brought it inside the house and placed it in a nicer pot, near a window and gave it water and love and praise and encouragement.

This is what happy feels like 🙂 Happy Easter 🙂



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