What gets my goat?

It’s folks who cannot understand when something isn’t working for whatever reason and have no patience until it gets fixed. And expect immediate action. And think they are alone to have this problem. And when you tell them they are not they get even more antsy and want a resolution now, now, now!

And what, pray, is this “thing” which is not working? Nothing more than a tracking script to track visitors to a website. A nice, sweet piece of software and a nifty database to keep the logs. Unfortunately it’s hosted on a remote server. And like all machines, this too can fail. And it won’t fail at the same time as your own site does of course LOL!

People always wanting more and more bells and whistles added to the service doesn’t help either.

Anyway, I fail to see how this could be of such paramount importance as to get those folks all in a tizzy over its not working for a few hours. Big deal! So they won’t have tracking stats for a while! So what? Sheesh!

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